What’s the point in having beat the Nazis only to become just like them…or worse? Hitler was responsible for countless atrocities, but even he didn’t publicly cozy up in front of the media to TORTURE!
Herman Cain, a leading Presidential candidate announced he supported the idea of ‘waterboarding’…and one of his local supporters, a recently defeated candidate himself, compared it to ‘being tickled’, justifying it on the basis of how ‘effective’ it was and WHO was being subjected to it. “Cain is a businessman,” the supporter argued.
Herman Cain, who struggled at times during Saturday’s national security-focused debate in South Carolina, found one issue on which he apparently feels comfortable: waterboarding.
Cain said, if elected president, he would revive the now banned practice.
“I don’t see it as torture. I see it as an enhanced interrogation technique,” Cain said.
Cain had a lot of support at the CBS News/National Journal debate at Wofford College in Spartanburg, S.C., for bringing back the procedure.
Michele Bachmann also criticized President Obama for eliminating the controversial practice. Obama, she said, “is allowing the ACLU to run the CIA,” adding that “it’s as though we’ve decided we want to lose the war on terror under President Obama.”
Rick Santorum and Rick Perry favored a return to waterboarding, as well, with Perry becoming especially exercised. “This is war,” he said. “This is what happens in war.” He said he would be for using the procedure “until I die.”
To little surprise, Ron Paul disagreed. “Torture is illegal by our laws, and it is torture by international laws. Waterboarding is torture,” Paul said, adding that he considered it “immoral and impractical.”
Cain was also highly critical of the Obama administration approach to the “Arab Spring” uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa. Cain said the situations in Egypt, Libya andYemen had “gotten completely out of hand,” and he criticized Obama for not supporting former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and for calling for President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen to step aside.
Newt Gingrich, to whom Cain deferred on several occasions, also seemed concerned about the uprisings.
“The degree to which the Arab Spring might become an anti-Christian spring is something that bothers me a great deal,” he said.
Yours Truly was shocked! After spending so many hours studying the lessons of Nuremberg, to now be confronted not only with public debate on an issue put to rest with the hanging of Nazi war criminals, to witness national candidates actually embedding torture into their campaign platforms was beyond disturbing. George Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and now these poor excuses for politicians have perverted America beyond recognition. All semblance of the difference between right and wrong has been lost.
“I have seen the enemy and…it is US!” -Pogo-
As a people, we have lost our identity and our moral compass. Now we are witnessing the jackals pandering to what’s become of us. Might makes Right and so long as we remain the most militarily powerful nation, we scarcely notice the irony for a supposed city of light on the hill. Like ancient Rome, when this juggernaut of a country falls from grace, when we are no longer all powerful, the cry of the oppressed in the world will erupt as a deafening shout of thanksgiving…a thunderclap of celebration heralding the rights of man…rights America once stood to defend as inalienable and self evident.
It is a black day when my countrymen lick the boots of brazen aspiring tyrants.