Monthly Archives: October 2012

Judge Jones Jails 24yo Woman for Silence

Having jailed the youthful Matt Duran and Katherine “KteeO” Olejnik for ‘contempt’ when they refused to speak to the federal Grand Jury about their friends, Seattle federal judge Richard Jones turned his attention to 24 year old Leah-Lynn Plante. Being one … Continue reading

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YES on WA. I-522 labels GMO food

Romans once used lead to seal joints in their aqueducts. Until recently, we used it (some still do!) in our gasoline. Genetically Modified produce has lead to dramatic increases in food allergies and a dark foreboding of what the future … Continue reading

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TORTURE: America’s Legacy?

Like George Bush, Romney leaves Americans with a sense of vertigo on the issue of torture. i.e. Even Hitler, though responsible for the Holocaust and countless atrocities, didn’t PUBLICLY cozy up to torture like these two. Months ago at a press … Continue reading

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French Tax the Rich, Eat the Poor

[Editor’s Note: Having elected to pursue the U.S. $trategy for wealth & happiness, French government officials have opted to eat their children by building more prisons (a ‘growth’ industry) to evade a recession.] “When plunder becomes a way of life … Continue reading

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Wildfire burns Rainbow lake Limerick–residents evacuated

SHELTON, Wash. — A fast-paced wildfire fire raced through trees and brush northeast of Shelton, threatening homes and power lines. At this point in time, it is 0% contained and growing. It is currently estimated to have spread to over 30 … Continue reading

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Schaller judicial eligibility scheduled before WA Supreme Court

Arguably, Christine Schaller may be among the most qualified to seek office as a Thurston County Superior Court judge. But she’s currently a resident of Pierce County. Despite her long time connections and work in Thurston, she lives in Pierce … Continue reading

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Violent (A)narchists indistinguishable from Elite Redneck Thugs

A casual perusal of Puget Sound area (A)narchist web sites (links found here) reveals gloating & trivializing wanton property destruction and even ‘fatwas’ against photojournalists covering such violent street demonstrations as occurred in Seattle on May Day, 2012. Photojournalists covering … Continue reading

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Grays Harbor Judge Godfrey accused of GOD complex

Corruption in Thurston County’s judiciary has become so rife, the cesspool stink has unavoidably reached citizens–some of whom and attorneys utilize it for their own ends. Grays Harbor is not immune from this phenomena as criticisms of Judge Godfrey in … Continue reading

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Terri Jeffreys take on Dioxin

During a brief interview prior to the primary election at a candidates forum, Terri Jeffreys ignorantly opined the Dioxin in Oakland Bay (and Shelton Harbor) was ‘being cleaned up’. Yet Jeffreys argues her education and background make her the most … Continue reading

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GE Corn, Roundup, causes tumors, early death

  LONDON, Sept 19 (Reuters) – In a study that prompted sharp criticism from other experts, French scientists said on Wednesday that rats fed on Monsanto’s genetically modified corn or exposed to its top-selling weedkiller suffered tumours and multiple organ … Continue reading

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