Monthly Archives: May 2013

2 Seattle M(a)y D(a)y Demonstrators Facing Felony Charges

Seattle police detectives are working “feverishly” to find additional people suspected of May Day violence, Capt. Chris Fowler said this afternoon. Fowler, who was incident commander for Seattle police during Wednesday’s May Day events, said detectives and prosecutors are working … Continue reading

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Olympia May Day 2013

The air was like honey and the spring’s blossoms bathed in amber as prognosticator’s predicted uninterrupted sun, sun, sun for the next several days. And to sweeten the mood even more, the young women wore their summer dresses to Olympia’s … Continue reading

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Europol & Mexico to Cooperate Against (A)narchists

by Gabriella Segata Antolini (April 30, 2013) Alarm in Europe due to Mexican Anarchists In a cooperation accord which will soon be negotiated between the European police and the Mexican government, a report on “terrorist trends in the EU” is about to … Continue reading

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