Category Archives: Uncategorized

2020 Vision

2020 retrospective of the streets in America, the violence, the desperation, the hate, the poverty, the ignorance, the perfidy. Due to Facebook censorship, this collage of incidents on the streets of America must be hidden under their ‘private’ mode despite … Continue reading

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Gregoire Throws Baby Out w/Bathwater; WA $cores

In Re Estate of Fleming (**Note how the pigs (all males) sitting on the referenced 1960’s WA State Supreme Court bench which presided over the case Gregoire relies on to sacrifice Fleming’s natural family rights on the altar of the … Continue reading

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Rebekah Zinn & Washington’s DV Judicial Cesspool

SELENA URSA SMITH vs JAMES DANIEL WELLS, #20-7-30788-34 Rebekah’s academic credentials are impressive and her judicial temperament (as can be observed in the above case) was good. But her perspicacity and ability to separate the wheat from the chaff in … Continue reading

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Everything for Everybody=Utopia?

by Christopher F. Rufo (12-14-20) HOMELESSNESS This video essay will help you understand the homelessness crisis from the inside-out—what drives it, what perpetuates it, and why nothing seems to help. I break down the dominant narrative and explain how cities … Continue reading

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Douglas Murray Fights against the “Madness of Crowds”

by Hoover Institution (12-1-20) A little over 18 months ago, we interviewed author and columnist Douglas Murray about his then new book The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity. That show was one of our most-watched interviews of 2019, … Continue reading

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Trump Attempts to Fire Amy Coney Barrett

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A furious Donald J. Trump attempted to fire the Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, sources report. According to the sources, Trump was so irate about the Supreme Court’s dismissal of his election challenge on Tuesday that … Continue reading

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Iran’s execution of journalist Ruhollah Zam pretext

Zam was best known for reporting on a wave of anti-regime protests in 2018. [If ever there was a criminal indictment against Islam, the nation-state of Iran would serve as a poster child given its history of crimes against humanity.] … Continue reading

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Con Men, Strumpets & Smoothies, Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves

by Sean Braswell (12-10-20) Talk about hidden figures. We’ve put together some of the untold stories behind some of the most remarkable, inspiring and ruthless individuals in history, from badass women to unsung Black pioneers to long-forgotten monsters. This is … Continue reading

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Meghan Murphy: Cancel Culture Interview (12-7-20)

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Portland cops & ANTIFA clash in broad daylight

by SARA CLINE (12-8-20) — PORTLAND, ORE. Protesters outraged with the arrests of seven people at a home where a family was removed in September hurled rocks at officers, sprayed a fire extinguisher at them and damaged police vehicles on … Continue reading

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