Category Archives: Uncategorized

Uprooting the PruneYard (Free Speech vs. Private Property)

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Mooting the 1st Amendment

The point is our 1st Amendment rights would appear to be moot in this faux ‘private’ sector.  Trump has already sounded the alarm on a similar. note due to Twitter censorship.  The PruneYard decision desperately needs to be expanded.  PruneYard Shopping Center … Continue reading

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ANTIFA Nite Life in Portland (8-16-20)

Woman assaulted and robbed in beautiful downtown Portland, OR after dark. The above evidence of a crime was censored by YouTube, hence a link was created for you to view it. Just click on the link below: ANTIFA Nite … Continue reading

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Oh for the Simple Joys of Maidenhood – Ode to Heather Lund

TO: Heather Lynn Lund An Action at law (21CV0197) has been brought against you in the following venue. The presiding judge (Greer) granted Plaintiff permission to serve Heather L. Lund by alternative means or actual notice after the Thurston County … Continue reading

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KNKX fires weather man Mass over personal Blog opinions

by Craig Sailor (8-6-20) — Tacoma public radio station KNKX dropped weather commentator Cliff Mass on Thursday after the University of Washington meteorology professor compared recent violent incidents during Seattle civil rights protests to Kristallnacht, or the “Night of Broken Glass,” … Continue reading

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Rose City ANTIFA’s Mean Streets–Portland, OR

The streets of Rose City ANTIFA (Portland). Even during the day time, the area around the Portland federal courthouse is lawless as police are instructed to stay away. After ANTIFA protesters harassed and assaulted those standing with flags, they beat … Continue reading

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Strickland (Portland Reporter) Convicted of Self Defense

by Jeff Knox Portland, OR (3-7-17) — A video journalist in Oregon is facing hard time for brandishing a gun to defend himself from an angry mob. The journalist, Michael Strickland, was covering a Black Lives Matter protest march in … Continue reading

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ANTIFA Karen Heckles Seattle Police in Press Interview

Here, the Seattle police spokesperson shows great restraint and professionalism on May Day, 2013, a trait increasingly in demand from today’s LEO’s. The heightened training they receive today was sorely lacking not so long ago. Moreover, this officer’s professionalism discredits … Continue reading

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ANTIFA Goons Resemble Baboons’ Behavior

If weeks of rioting, arson, vandalism and assaults on journalists, police, or simply citizens who refuse to submit to their mob fueled street justice under the phony guise of BLM ideology hasn’t enlightened you to the comparison, read on: Baboons … Continue reading

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1st Pay Check

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