Category Archives: Uncategorized

2 Teens Shot 6-29-20 in Leftist Mob’s CHAZ, 1 dead, 1 Critical

Six people have been shot in Capitol Hill Organized Protest zone in 10 days, prompting officials to look at dismantling it A 16-year-old is dead and a 14-year-old is in critical condition in the latest of a series of shootings … Continue reading

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Comedian Sasha Borat Cohen Trolls Olympia III%ers Rally

Tim Eyman (running for governor) was at the event. reported by Rolf Boone Olympia, WA. (6-27-20) — Social media was abuzz Saturday evening with chatter that comedian Sacha Baron Cohen made a surprise appearance during a conservative rally in downtown … Continue reading

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Gonzo vs. ‘Objectivity’-Obsesssed vs. Adversarial Journalism

by Masha Gessen (June 24, 2020) What’s so terrible about moral clarity? A future historian of June of 2020—a year that, historians have joked, will spawn narrow chronological specialties—will have to answer this question. The phrase has become central to … Continue reading

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Behind the CHAZ: Suppression Masquerading as Freedom

Video by Shawn Whiting Seattle (6-18-20) — Yesterday I was detained for streaming in the #Seattle free zone (#CHAZ / #CHOP) “This is not a public park anymore, this is CHOP zone” “There is no media allowed in here” Grabs … Continue reading

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State (OR) v. Strickland: Journalist Convicted of Self Defense

by G. Halek PORTLAND, OREGON (2-13-17) — Prosecutors successfully argued before Multnomah County Circuit Judge Thomas Ryan that concealed carrier and independent videographer-journalist Michael Aaron Strickland, 37, did not have reasonable fear of his own life when he pulled out a semi-automatic … Continue reading

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ANTIFA: The Truth Behind The Mask

A look into the domestic terror organization ANTIFA and how it is attempting to take over the current peaceful protests of the George Floyd death. “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups” – George Carlin So…could ANTIFA … Continue reading

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Cops & Guns —> Death

Atlanta police officer shoots unarmed man dead at a fast-food drive-thru: Unarmed black man struggles to resist arrest, flees, and is shot dead by white cop On 6.12.20, according to eye witnesses on the scene, another UNarmed black man was … Continue reading

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Stars, Stripes & Bars Forever

Washington (6-10-20) BLM protestors are tearing down Confederate symbols, flags, and war memorial statues across the South. The U.S. military has banned even bumper stickers bearing the Confederate battle flag on base, and hastened to rename those bases bearing the … Continue reading

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White ‘Karen’ Spits on BLM Child Protestor, Arrested — Twice!

Lawyer spits on black teen during Wisconsin protest, kicks cop in groin by Yaron Steinbuch, et ux (6-9-20) A white lawyer in Wisconsin has been arrested for allegedly spitting on a black teen protester — and then again after she … Continue reading

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Joe Bologna, Inspector w/Philly PD assaults BLM youths

Cops Saluted And Applauded An Officer Facing Assault Charges For Beating A Student Protester. video by Brendan Lowry @Peopledelphia Dozens of Philadelphia police officers saluted and applauded Staff Inspector Joseph Bologna on Monday as he prepared to turn himself … Continue reading

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