Category Archives: Uncategorized

How Fructose Frucks Us Up

Fat Chance: Fructose 2.0 — University of California Television (UCTV) Dr. Robert Lustig, UCSF Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, updates his very popular video “Sugar: The Bitter Truth.” He argues that sugar and processed foods are driving the obesity epidemic, which … Continue reading

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Online Thurston District Court 5-26-20

by SARA GENTZLER. (5-21-20) Thurston County District Court is responsible for handling a wide range of issues, from misdemeanor criminal allegations to traffic tickets and protection orders. They’re the types of cases and procedures that draw large numbers of people … Continue reading

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Recipes For Disaster

The link provided here is lengthy (~688 pages) but especially topical now about security (ours) and you can assist. The thought police are on a tear–deleting essays and any material objectionable in their eyes wholesale. What with Youtube, government, the … Continue reading

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Big Bro Marries COVID-19, RSVP

by Susan Rosenthal (5-22-20) link COVID-19 has triggered a global economic crisis. The world economy was limping along before pandemic-related workplace closures pushed it over the edge. Production is disrupted, lives are torn apart, and governments are sinking into debt. The UK and German economies are officially in recession. … Continue reading

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WA COVID-19 Deaths Revised 2x – 3x Higher

by MARTHA BELLISLE (5-21-20) Washington state’s death toll from the coronavirus could be two to three times the current total because some people who died of virus-like symptoms early in the outbreak were never tested, health officials said Thursday. As … Continue reading

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India: Surviving World’s Largest Lockdown of the Poor

When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the world’s biggest lockdown, he gave the nation of 1.4 billion people only four hours’ notice. He unleashed one of the biggest mass migrations in his nation’s history and left the poor in … Continue reading

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Will COVID-19 Make Us Rethink Mass Incarceration?

by Sarah Stillman. (May 18, 2020) Community groups have pointed out the social costs of the prison system for decades. Now the pandemic has exposed its public-health risks. On March 14th, Roslyn Crouch, a mother of twelve, left her house … Continue reading

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3-City Boys Ranch Busted; Youth Mob w/Shovels Protests

Molestation, abuse and ‘riot’ being investigated at Christian boarding school near Tri-Cities by ALLISON STORMO AND MERON PROBERT; ALLISON R. STORMO WALLA WALLA, WA (5-20-20) A suspected child molestation, abuse and car theft are among the allegations under investigation at a … Continue reading

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Mnuchin & Powell: Different Priorities for Economy

by CHRISTOPHER RUGABERAND MARTIN CRUTSINGER WASHINGTON Facing the gravest U.S. economic crisis in decades, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell offered Congress contrasting views Tuesday of what the government’s most urgent priority should be. Striking a … Continue reading

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COVID-19 data sharing alarms privacy advocates

by KIMBERLEE KRUESI NASHVILLE, TENN. Public health officials in at least two-thirds of U.S. states are sharing the addresses of people who have the coronavirus with first responders. Supporters say the measure is designed to protect those on the front line, … Continue reading

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