Category Archives: Uncategorized

10 Worst Accounting Scandals


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How Cops Use Civil Forfeiture To Steal

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SPAIN choreography

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As in Flint, Shelton’s poor (you) get Polluted

That’s right, Shelton’s mayor wants you to eat, drink, and breath sh*t! (See: Shelton sued for turning blind eye to Dioxin contamination) Shelton may be the cancer capital of Washington State, but Mayor Cronce hasn’t noticed.  See: Coverage by King 5 … Continue reading

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Danes Ripoff War Refugees

‘Morally Horrible’ Law Lets Denmark Take Refugees’ Valuables in Exchange for Asylum “They are fleeing from war and how do we treat them? We take their jewellery.” The Danish Parliament on Tuesday approved a controversial law which allows authorities to … Continue reading

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Dreaming of a White Christmas?

Ahh, to be young again!

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City of Shelton Sued for Turning Blind Eye to Dioxin Pollution

The notorious track record of Shelton, its Mayor Cronce and his minions when it comes to deliberately exposing the town’s health to the extremely pernicious effects of DIOXIN has now finally been challenged in court for violating its mandate to … Continue reading

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Irrational U.S. Policy Beguiled by Middle-Eastern Sycophants

Why the Russian Turkey shoot in Syria? Vladimir Putin pulled Turkey’s covers when he accused it of shooting down a slow Russian Bomber near its border due to the wholesale funneling of money to ISIS in return for the oil … Continue reading

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She’s Got a P-E-N-I-S

He/She/They/Them…it’s all the same to him. Don’t stress over the men’s/ladies’ room if so inclined, Remember…today there’s a 3rd choice for those who can’t make up ‘their’ mind.

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Stop Worshipping Economic Growth

Capitalism (which requires an ever expanding economy according to most experts) and a sustainable environment are incompatible in a world of finite resources and 7 billion souls. In fact, modern mega-sized corporations, with the government’s tacit virtual blessings, have killed … Continue reading

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