Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why our fundamental rights/liberties matter:

“If we run into such debts as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the people … Continue reading

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Malum Prohibitum Amerikan Style

Malum prohibitum (plural mala prohibita, literal translation: “wrong [as or because] prohibited”) is a Latin phrase used in law to refer to conduct that constitutes an unlawful act only by virtue of statute, as opposed to conduct evil in and of … Continue reading

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Why Are So Many Americans in Prison?–District Attorneys

by Leon Neyfakh (a SLATE staff writer) Criminal justice reform is a contentious political issue, but there’s one point on which pretty much everyone agrees: America’s prison population is way too high. It’s possible that a decline has already begun, with … Continue reading

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Eric M. Collier of Shelton/Oly Charged w/23 Felonies/Robbery

Shelton, WA (1-29-15) — Natalie Johnson reported Eric M. Collier of Shelton was arrested and charged in Thurston County (1-23-15) w/23 felony counts alleging/relating to armed robberies including banks and restaurants, perhaps most notably the Pizza Time in Thurston.  He … Continue reading

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Charlize Theron & Christina Ricci in Girl Meets Girl Scene

Charlize Theron & Christina Ricci star in one of the best directed/acted Girl Meets Girl scenes ever.

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1% Holds Half the World’s Wealth/Resources

by Kunal Dutta The combined wealth of the world’s richest 1% will overtake that of the remaining 99% by 2016 unless action is taken to curb “shocking extremes” of inequality, a new report warns. The richest 1% currently own 48% … Continue reading

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Miami sniper training using target practice mugshots halted

Police in North Miami have suspended a sniper training program after it was revealed that trainees used old mugshots of black suspects during target practice. The pictures, which featured inmates who had been arrested more than a decade ago, were … Continue reading

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He’d adroitly played the hands dealt him in life, sometimes off the bottom of the deck, given they rarely held more than a pair–bluffing his way to respectable if not impressive pots. He might have done better but for those … Continue reading

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Are We Safer w/Guns in the Face of Police Oppression or Not?

This publication stands 4-square for the U.S. and Washington State Constitution–ALL of it! That includes, of course, the 2nd Amendment. Many Washington residents, only recently, have shown a lack of appreciation for this fundamental right when they last sent in … Continue reading

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The Paradox of American Racism & Bigotry

Who was the most racist modern president? Here are 5 surprising candidates by Larry Schwartz What these presidents said in private and what they did in public were often sharply at odds. Given America’s history of slavery, the stain that won’t go … Continue reading

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