Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Legend of Deirdre & Bane of Patriarchy

adapted from the original Gaelic by John Stuart Dick I A long time ago in Ireland, King Connacher of Ulster stood on a raised podium in the Great Hall of his palace on the eve of Samhain. The day was … Continue reading

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County Board Arrested by Citizens

“They used to laugh when I said I wanted to be a comedian, well they’re not laughing now.” by Barry Donegan, Adam Andrzejewski, and the Better Government Association Clark County, Illinois — Sometimes citizens can be so frustrated with county … Continue reading

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A Million Ways to Die in Prison

DEATH IN PRISON by Daniel Genis Murder, suicide, illness, old age: These deaths stalk us all, but in prison, they collect us so much more cheaply. Before my decade of incarceration, I had never seen a dead body. By the … Continue reading

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3 Reasons why we’ll torture again

by John Turley As Shakespeare wrote in the Merchant of Venice, “truth will out.” The release of the report of the Senate Intelligence Committee was the long-awaited truth about one of this country’s most shameful chapters. Like water, truth has … Continue reading

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Oly-Shelton Jams & Open Mic

Jazz was invented in 1902 by Jelly Roll Morton. Or, so Morton claimed to the editors of ‘Ripley’s Believe It Or Not’. They believed it. Ever since, this music has found itself at the center of controversy. The great pianist, … Continue reading

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Anti-Poverty Laws Demonstrate Need for Jury Nullification

Jail or No Jail, ‘Outlaw Cook’ Will Feed the Poor SANTA CRUZ — Sandra Loranger, a self-described “outlaw cook,” sentenced to jail for feeding the homeless, says her incarceration won’t stop her from serving soup and bread to the indigent … Continue reading

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How To Avoid Police Brutality While Black


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How To Avoid Buying Oly’s Stolen Musical Instruments

Olympia, WA (11-23-14) — Homelessness, drugs, @narchists, poverty, hunger, street violence…they all make for a volatile mix when it comes to public safety and hanging onto the blood of one’s labor. There is a nexus involving the above and a property … Continue reading

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Duggins Hospitalizes Olympia’s Long Haired David

Violent Predator Released Into Olympia After Slap On The Wrist by Tahoe Jones Olympia, WA (11-13-14) — RE: The dual assault on Long Haired David David had told me of a person who owed his next door neighbor payment for a bicycle. … Continue reading

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Gold Dust Woman

We’ve all known someone who is remarkable by virtue of being totally indifferent to the suffering of those they manipulate in their belief worrying about work should be avoided at all cost because somebody else will always take care of … Continue reading

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