Category Archives: Uncategorized

Glen Beck Exposes Federal Reserve; Gets Fired by Fox

Federal Reserve Tells YouTube to Take Down Critical Video!! by Alex Jones (2011) We have received a privacy claim by agents of the FED. They are threatening to remove the video and take down the channel within 36 hours if … Continue reading

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Robotic String Ensemble

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Why Cops Hate (A)narchists

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Why (A)narchists Hate Cops

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WAR Takes a Holiday

A famous sand story of WWII when a young women is waiting for her man–a Soldier–a story of our tragic and heroic past which must be never forgotten. This performance was presented on “Ukraine’s got talent” show by Kseniya Simonova … Continue reading

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Road Proximity Increases Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death

Living near highly-populated and traffic-congested roads heighten women’s risk of suffering a sudden cardiac death, according to a study led by Harvard Medical School. by Stephen Adkins “It’s important for healthcare providers to recognize that environmental exposures may be under-appreciated … Continue reading

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Waterbird Ballet

Post by Amicus Curia.

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Rolling Stones Gather No Moss

Post by Amicus Curia.

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Gandy Dancer for Moonstruck Reptiles

Gandy Dancer Post by Amicus Curia.

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Eric S. Valley, esq. disciplined by State Bars wants to be Judge

(NOTE: Be advised–Eric has been afforded ample opportunity here, in the ‘reply’ exchanges, unlike most blogs, for rebuttal, but has, unsurprisingly,  primarily used it for blanket denials and gaslighting.  UPDATED @ article’s end) Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus Shelton, WA — This … Continue reading

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