Category Archives: Uncategorized

NY Cops Beat Black Man for Recording Traffic Stop

by Carlos Miller of PINAC Nassau County, NY (5-8-14) — Last January, Kyle Howell was pulled over by Nassau County police in New York and pulled out his phone to record the stop, only to get threatened with violence if he … Continue reading

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Photojournalist Catches Tennessee Cops Choking Student

by Carlos Miller of PINAC Knox County, Tennessee (5-9-14) — Knox County sheriff’s deputies thought they had it under control when they arrested a college student for trying to video record them breaking up a block party last month. But they … Continue reading

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L@w & Disorder Conference Free for (A)ll condones @ssault

Olympia, WA (5-10-14) — Last year, Law & Disorder (L&D), an anarchist ‘organization’, held a conference at Portland State University (PSU). During the 2 day event consisting of lectures, workshops, and tabling by assorted r@dical groups, 2 women from Deep Green … Continue reading

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Tibbits & Shivers arrested for assault on 2-month old baby

Editor’s Note: This site was attacked early on the morning of 1-16-15 w/the goal of deleting the following images of alleged perpetrators and victim. The hacker(s) used the ip # and Chrome as their browser. Windows 7 was used as the … Continue reading

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The Politics of Denunci@tion by Kristian Williams

by Kristian Williams (published 2-20-14) A year ago, on February 28, 2013, at an event titled “Patriarchy and the Movement,” I watched as a friend of mine attempted to pose several questions based on her experience trying to address domestic … Continue reading

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L@w & Disorder Free For (A)ll: Censorship & Witch Hunts

Portland, OR — It’s looking like another annual free for all at PSU’s Law & Disorder Conference this year. The schedule is listed elsewhere on this blog; the the fireworks have already begun on their FB Event page replete with … Continue reading

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Law & Disorder Conference @ Portland State University-2014

Portland, OR (5-9-14 to 5-11-14 @ 6:30 pm) — The same venue (PSU) that, last year, resulted in women tabling for DGR (Deep Green Resistance) being assaulted, their literature being defaced, and their advocate having food and trash hurled at … Continue reading

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Oly’s Sylvester Park Denizens – May Day 2014

Olympia, WA. @ Sylvester Park (5-1-14) — Another balmy day in the park with temperatures in the mid-80’s, blue skies, and about 50-60 idlers sucking up each other’s company on the ultra-green turf. There were the usual glares and stares at … Continue reading

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Oly’s Sylvester Park Life & Chalking Bank of America

Olympia, WA @ Sylvester Park & BOA (4-30-14) — A day in the park across from the elegant sandstone old State Capitol building was almost perfect except for a few quirks in some of the denizens there, one in particular. He’d … Continue reading

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Ian Finkenbinder Condones Violence Against DGR Women

Ian Finkenbinder (aka: Ian Awesome/Fisher?) is a self described HIV positive ‘angry queer’ who maintains a blog and lives in the Seattle area near his family on Mercer Island. His published sentiments about the Portland State (PSU) incident last year … Continue reading

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