Category Archives: Uncategorized

Migrant Worker Path from Criminal to Dignity @ TESC

When: Monday, April 7 @ 3:00pm – 5:00pm Where: SEM II A1105 @ TESC What:  Hosted by Abolish Cops and Prisons; In the wake of the current work and hunger strike involving 1,200 detainees at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington, immigrant rights organizers from … Continue reading

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Troy Davis: Human Impact of the Death Penalty @ TESC

When: Wednesday, April 9 at 3-4:30 pm Where: Recital Hall, COM Bldg @ TESC What:  Wednesday, April 9 two opportunities in Olympia to hear Kimberly Davis and Jen Marlowe. On September 21, 2011, Troy Davis was executed by the State of Georgia, despite a … Continue reading

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Robert King Speaks: Solitary Confinement & Angola 3 @ TESC

When: Tuesday, April 8 at 5:00pm – 7:00pm Where: Lecture Hall 1 @ The Evergreen State College What:  Robert H. King is a freed member of the Angola 3. Along with his comrades Albert Woodfox and Herman Wallace (who has recently passed away), … Continue reading

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NASA 2nd Guesses Itself Predicting End of Civilization Near

by Erik Derr The National Aeronautical and Space Administration is distancing itself from a controversial study that suggests modern civilization is mere decades from collapse — and, according to media reports, was sponsored by the space agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center. The … Continue reading

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FL Prosecutor Approves FBI Agent’s License to Kill

by Eric Tucker (Curt Anderson contributed from Miami) Washington (3-22-14) — A Florida prosecutor has cleared an FBI agent of any criminal wrongdoing in the fatal shooting of a Chechen man as he was being questioned about a Boston Marathon bombing … Continue reading

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Shelton: Gateway to Industrial Blight, Approves Toxic Dumps

City Council Ignores Dioxin, Approves Toxic Waste  The Greeks had it right when they observed even the gods cannot protect fools from their folly. You can’t fix $tupid! Already the cancer capitol of Washington State, Shelton’s Mayor and City Council … Continue reading

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Harris Corp. Gets Owned Threatening FL Photographer

Spy game: Local police tap cell phones A secretive Flordia corporation (Harris) which colludes with police agencies to violate the civil rights of U.S. Citizens by manufacturing devices to tap into private cell phone conversations is selectively ignored by the … Continue reading

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Lying Philadelphia Cop Busted for False Arrest, Obstruction

Officer Kevin Corcoran had gotten away with it many times before, as had his fellow officers on the beat. Sworn to uphold the law (not to mention the truth), who was going to challenge his authority or veracity? After all, … Continue reading

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Rethinking Prisons Month

by Dana Walker in The Thunderbolt 1A)  Rethinking Prisons Month It’s a month of anti-prison actions! This is from Abolish Cops and Prisons and FIST: RETHINKING PRISONS MONTH is a series of events at The Evergreen State College that addresses issues around mass … Continue reading

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Feinstein to CIA: “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth…!”

Queen of Mean objects to CIA’s upskirt antics, at least hers! by Normon Solomon Who knows, soon we might see headlines and cable TV shows asking: “Is Dianne Feinstein a whistleblower or a traitor?” A truthful answer to that question … Continue reading

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