Category Archives: Uncategorized

Austin Cops Defense: “At least we didn’t sexually assault her.”

With the dulcet lyrics about Texas drifting in the background from a nearby Big Bite store, Austin police grab a young woman for jogging in her toes shoes on the sidewalk, then proceed to manhandle and arrest the hysterical victim. … Continue reading

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OK Cops Kill Man, Then Tell Him to “Calm Down, Sir”

Yet another innocent man dies from Police Brutality by Carlos Miller of PINAC Oklahoma City, OK — The chilling video that had been confiscated by police showing five Oklahoma cops piling on top of a man in a movie theater parking lot … Continue reading

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Guys & Dolls @ the Gym: What IF?

What with all the PC when it comes to gender benders, body builders, trans-whatever, threatening to run out of letters in the alphabet for their all encompassing acronyms, just what if guys and gals swapped roles at the gym? What … Continue reading

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Seattle Chief & Mayor Equivocate Over Rogue Cop

Devil or Angel? Seattle officials can’t make up their mind. Yes, Seattle officials have double reversed themselves. Unlike Bertha, the only gear they seem to have is in reverse. by Carlos Miller As we’ve seen so many times in the … Continue reading

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Baltimore Cop Assaults Photographer, 1st Amendment

Yet another LEO with testosterone poisoning assaults a citizen photojournalist for daring to exercise his 1st Amendment rights, telling him he has none, that he ‘lost’ them! “I was just trying to film, didn’t think i was breaking any laws.” … Continue reading

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Bloomfield Man Exonerated, Cops Indicted: False Arrest, Lying

Relying on their shields, their guns, their uniforms and sworn oath to uphold the law, the Bloomfield, New Jersey law enforcement officers shown in the video below blatantly terrorize and lie in their attempt to set up an innocent motorist … Continue reading

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Chicago LEO Slaps Camera, Threatens Photographer

Do they teach LEO’s how to trump up fictitious charges in Cop 101 to intimidate citizens who lawfully assert their rights? It’s anyone’s guess just how often this happens across the nation, but the following video documents exactly that in … Continue reading

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2nd Amendment Under Attack?

The Mason County Sheriff has a tank. Why? Just how far will the police go in abrogating Americans’ civil rights? Although those who want additional restrictions placed on the right to own firearms argue this will never lead to confiscations, … Continue reading

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Ukrainian Patriots Triumph In Kiev

One of the most emotional celebrations in years was held on the streets of Kiev as former Prime Minister Yulia V. Tymoshenko, recently released from a penitentiary hospital after the current President Viktor F. Yanukovych fled Kiev on Saturday, addressed the crowd … Continue reading

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Woman Beaten by Wetaskiwin Sheriff Wants Him Charged

by Ari Simeon Wetaskiwin, Alberta — Simona Tibu was beaten within an inch of her life after a routine traffic stop. This Camrose dentist, says that the assault occurred after she was driving home from work, and was pulled over by … Continue reading

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