Monthly Archives: October 2012

FOR Climate Change Workshop 11-10-12 @ 9a-5p

Please pre-register at or (206) 789-5565.  This will help planning room layouts, printing, etc. Please bring a brown bag lunch.  There’ll be coffee, tea, and light refreshments. Please mark your calendars now and share this information widely.  DIRECTIONS Giant coal companies are … Continue reading

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Special Pork Meeting 10-23-12 @ 2:00pm

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Requiem for Rob Cook & Leslie Cook

Rob Cook was an opinionated red-neck right-wing Republican, worked in the Bremerton Naval Shipyard, operated a business as an electrical contractor on the side, and car pooled daily from Port Townsend…a Reagan acolyte to the core. Along with his wife, … Continue reading

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Michael Parenti Speaks @ TESC 10-19-12

“A man who steals a goose  from the commons is punished, while a man who steals the commons itself is rewarded.” -unknown- Michael Parenti is a renown Italian professor from New Jersey who has authored such books as: God and … Continue reading

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WA. State Supreme Ct. hears Christine Schaller case

On 10-18-12 our WA. State Supreme Ct. heard Christine Schaller’s case: Ignoring residency mandates?  Shawn Newman and Talmadge were defenders of Thurston County Superior Court Commissioner Christine Schaller and her proposition that because the State Constitution is silent on residency requirements, … Continue reading

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8-16-12 Candidates Forum, Mason County

The various candidates for County Commissioner and 35th Dist. Representative were all on hand Tuesday evening. The 2-hour Q&A session held at the Oakland Bay Jr. High School contained a few surprises and some not so much. e.g. Tim Sheldon … Continue reading

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Genetic Roulette Movie

A film by Jeffrey M. Smith – Narrated by Lisa Oz A production of the Institute for Responsible Technology How Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) threaten your family’s future Yes on I-522 labels GMO food in Washington.

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Special Pork Meeting Discusses Fairground$

Why only 24 hours notice (the minimum required by law) is given to citizens about meetings commonly acknowledged to be of great public interest remains unanswered. What did the Pork Commissioners/staff know and when did they know it? Is this … Continue reading

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Another Pork of Shelton Commissioners Meeting

It looks like the game at the Pork of Shelton hasn’t changed much in the absence of Jack Miles. Darth Dobson continues to dominate while the wimpy Commissioners stay in step and tax payers are held hostage.

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Gene Sharp: How to Start a Revolution

Like Dr. Martin Luther King, jr., Gene Sharp was influenced by Mohandas K. Gandhi, A. J. Muste, and Henry David Thoreau when he decided to devote his life’s work to non-violent political struggle against repression and tyranny. Sharp’s key theme … Continue reading

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