Monthly Archives: August 2013

Play Ball!

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Skokomish 8-17-13 Elders Picnic & 1st Elk Ceremony

The gentle Skokomish Tribal Nation remains committed to its tradition of honoring its elders, the sacred Elk in what is called the First Elk Ceremony which is held in the late summer at a picnic (Tuwadug Community Park) welcoming visitors, … Continue reading

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(A) 1st Amendment Right to Videotape/Record in Public

What’s the difference between violent (A)narchists and the police?–The police have uniforms.  Yeah, the distinction between the incompetent cops and the political street thugs is one without a difference. Both gangs harass, assault, and attack photojournalists at every opportunity. Members … Continue reading

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Corruption vs. Incompetence: Corruption Wins Again!

Both are equally pernicious, but in a no holds barred throw-down, which will prevail? The following actual bank robbery video footage gives a clue: The following clip shows robbers throwing cash out the window for over 15 minutes trying to … Continue reading

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KURSA – 2013: A Latvian Celebration in Shelton, WA

Click SLIDE SHOW: snaps of Latvian Children attending KURSA-2013. Latvia and it’s capitol, Riga, are a long way from the Pacific NW. There are about 2 million people in the tiny, but fiercely independent nation. Only roughly half are Latvian. The others … Continue reading

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Black Good Samaritan gets 142 Years Added to Sentence

By Ebony Chappel Pendleton, Indiana — The year was 1985. Christopher Trotter, a former member of the United States armed services, was serving a four-year sentence for petty theft at the Indiana Reformatory (now known as the Pendleton Correctional Facility), … Continue reading

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Fukushima Crisis Unabated–Radiation Destroying Pacific Rim

Tepco is struggling to contain the highly radioactive water that is seeping into the ocean near Fukushima. The head of Japan’s NRA, Shinji Kinjo exclaimed, “right now, we have an emergency,” as he noted the contaminated groundwater has breached an underground barrier and is … Continue reading

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Flesh Eating Bacteria Thrive In Tarballs–Threaten Public Health

by Paige Brown Dr. Cova Arias, professor of Aquatic Microbiology at Auburn University, and two of her lab members had rather disturbing results published in the journal EcoHealth last December, 2011, on their discovery of high concentrations of Vibrio vulnificus, also known as … Continue reading

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