Monthly Archives: November 2013

Video Exonerates Man from False Felony Arrest in Tennessee

SI0AX comments: [lame daughter explanation] “I had to play the video twice and Google ‘civil standby’ to understand what happened. It turns out the daughter had witnessed her parent’s divorce or something (maybe domestic violence). So, she and her mom move … Continue reading

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DOJ Corruption Exposed by DEA Whistleblower

by Susan Duclos In the video below Alex Jones interviews Robert Mazur, the man who successfully infiltrated the Medellin Cartel in Columbia, also known as the Infiltrator for the work he has done during his career. Mazur reveals corruption in the … Continue reading

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Simpson Ups Ante: Expensive Permits to Enter Its Forest Lands

Greed isn’t a new imperative for Simpson Timber co. But transparently thumbing the eyes of its neighbors may be. The privately held corporation has decided to charge $250/yr. for vehicle permits to enter its forest lands in Mason County–limited to … Continue reading

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Poets Come to Shelton’s TRL 11-21-13 @ 6-7:30 pm

. . . . . . . . Timberland Regional Library District, 415 Tumwater Blvd. SW, Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 943-5001 or 877-284-6237 · News Release                                                               Media Contact: Leanne Ingle, Communications Specialist, 704-4508; 877-284-6237 x-2508 Spend an evening with … Continue reading

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Dog Daze of Fall  

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Misprision of a Felony/Tre@son

Olympia, WA (10-30-13) @ TESC Student Activities Office by Amicus Curia misprision 1  (mɪsˈprɪʒən) — n a. a failure to inform the proper authorities of the commission of an act of treason b. the deliberate concealment of the commission of a felony noun (1)a neglect or violation of official duty by one in office. (2)a failure by one not an accessory to prevent or notify the authorities of treason or felony. (3)contempt against the government, monarch, or courts, as sedition, lese majesty, or contempt of court. (4)a mistake; misunderstanding. misprision: in law, criminal misconduct of various types. Concealment of a serious crime by one who knows of … Continue reading

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Stolen Bike

CLICK to report sighting/info to owner. This bike was stolen from RFW Whitlock’s house in Olympia between Bigelow park and State ave. Thanks! #olywa

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Is Science Telling Us All To Revolt?

by Naomi Klein (10-29-13), New Statesman What scientists and experts are saying, says Klein, is “that there is still time to avoid catastrophic warming, but not within the rules of capitalism as they are currently constructed. Which may be the best … Continue reading

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