Social Security Entitlements on Chopping Block

City Administration's plans for your neighborhood

The recent Congressional impasse over raising the national debt ceiling limit has brought about some compromise including the reduction of entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security benefits. Why?…especially after so many have worked so hard to contribute to these programs all of their working  lives? Well…because of waste, fraud, & abuse!  See the following picture narrative link for a classic example:

Local Young Social Security Disability Recipient vacations in Shanghai, protests poverty


When a relatively young mentally ill woman receiving lifetime disability benefits because she supposedly is incapable of working to support herself can afford to vacation in Shanghai, commute to the Evergreen State College to endlessly take art & photography classes, and even contemplate purchasing her ‘dream’ 4×4 Jeep while the rest of us dumb schmucks labor to pay our taxes and keep the lights on…something is very wrong and broken with our system!  NO WONDER SOCIAL SECURITY IS ON THE ROCKS.

Even the ‘exceptional’ and the destitute are required to work…and cheerfully do so when given the opportunity. The blog’s author is spot on in contrasting the ubiquitous filth and industrial blight under Shelton’s current City Administration with Shanghai’s clean city streets and neighborhoods. But she ignores the fact public leaches are destroying our social fabric by cannibalizing the public purse out of indolence and a misplaced sense of entitlement. When a young woman as physically healthy as an ox is permitted to enrich herself at the public’s expense because she refuses to work and exaggerates a condition that clearly poses no impediment to her maintaining several community blogs/websites, filing frivolous lawsuits wherein she represents herself, raises 2 children, plans assaults on mountain peaks, livestock, and mailboxes, the community suffers as a result.

The referenced blog recently had a great quote:

“A man steals a goose from the commons and is jailed. But the man who steals the commons is rewarded!”

Those who defraud the public purse under the feigned guise of ‘disability’ when they’re capable of working (attending college, planing mountain treks, covering community events as a photo-journalist, raising a family, etc.) but simply WON’T, are as big a blight on the community as the filthy dirty anachronisms (like Simpson) who pollute and destroy it or City administrations (Dawn Pannell?) who continue their senicure while doing little to protect residents…even stonewalling those who ask what protection the official is willing to afford the community.

SHAME on those who plead poverty while stealing from their neighbors and the public purse!

About admin

Opposed to politicians who equivocate about air quality & BioMassacre
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