07-28-11 Short Interviews of Shelton Area Candidates

Mr. Avery hopes to be elected as Port of Shelton Commissioner, has never held elective office (other than precinct), but speaks out against Adage as having been a bad choice for the local community though envisioning the Port as an underutilized economic engine.

07-28-11 Avery short interview for Port of Shelton Commissioner race

Gary Cronce is running for Mayor of Shelton without any previous experience in elective office, but cites his bonafides as a local area businessman while claiming to have too little knowledge on local environmental issues to take a position on additional smokestack industries (past, present, or future) impacting the community…acknowledged being politically aligned with most of County Commissioner Tim Sheldon’s views.

07-28-11 Gary Cronce short interview for City of Shelton Mayoral race

Dick Taylor cites previous elective office in local area along with lengthy experience as a local area businessman. Dick promises to hold meetings, if elected, welcoming citizen input but shies away from addressing the current conflicts within the Port of Shelton on precisely such democratic principles. He also sidesteps the question of area environmental integrity by observing Simpson’s proposed additional incinerator is a City of Shelton issue. Yet Dick acerbically admitted in an earlier telephonic interview to having been an ardent supporter of Adage as a member of Citizens For A Prosperous Mason County.

07-28-11 Dick Taylor short interview for Port of Shelton Commissioner race

Having previously complained of having read the blog where such photos and video clips end up, retiring City of Shelton Mayor Tarrant snarls angrily at the camera. Misidentified in the bright sunlight as Mr. Butros, Tarrant evidences the kind of demeanor that can be expected from his hand picked successor, ‘stonewall’ Dawn Pannell.

07-28-11 Retiring City of Shelton Mayor Tarrant snarls at the camera

The sound was lost on this interview due to the mike not being turned on. But, Tracy Moore is perhaps the ‘squishiest’ of the 3 candidates for Mayor. When interviewed (by phone), she was clueless as to what branch of the government a City Commissioner belongs. Given Dawn Pannell’s ill conceived notions of refusing to reveal her opinions on public policies surrounding the Mayor’s office, such ignorance of fundamental government structure is unacceptable. A more recent interview (of her husband) revealed a waffling on whether Ms. Moore would leave her existing employment to dedicate herself full-time (if elected) to her duties as Mayor.

07-28-11 Tracy Moore short interview for City of Shelton Mayoral race w/o sound

About admin

Opposed to politicians who equivocate about air quality & BioMassacre
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