Violent (A)narchists indistinguishable from Elite Redneck Thugs

A casual perusal of Puget Sound area (A)narchist web sites (links found here) reveals gloating & trivializing wanton property destruction and even ‘fatwas’ against photojournalists covering such violent street demonstrations as occurred in Seattle on May Day, 2012. Photojournalists covering the incident were physically assaulted and injured. Similar threats, bullying, and assaults have occurred in Olympia (e.g. Tony Overman, an Olympian photojournalist).

Ironically, many (A)narchists describe themselves as opposed to hierarchy of any form including the state itself and the oppression the state promotes in the form of state sponsored terrorism. The fact such terrorism exists in fact is self evident. Yet the mantra of many self styled (A)archists is “F*ck the law!” This sentiment can be heard repeatedly in their underground circles. Accordingly, they’re aggressively defensive as to their identities and toward any photojournalist on public property or in a public venue recording events that involve them.

Fatwas: Why Violently Radical Elements must be held accountable

The obvious question which arises is: What is the difference between these violently radical underground elements and the members of Pennsylvania’s elite pigeon shooting club captured in the following video clips?

Pigeon Shoot Thug Assaults Woman

Indeed, if there’s a distinction, it’s one without a difference. Much like the U.S. beating the Nazis only to become just like them, the violently radical (A)narchists, were they to miraculously succeed in smashing the state, would give rise to an even more repressive construct much like Stalin’s. “By their works, ye shall know them.” -Matthew 7:15>20-

In the following video clip, an Oakland mob beats down a suspected ‘snitch’. The driver ultimately abandons protecting her in favor of saving the remnants of his vehicle. He opens the back door for the mob, leading to her being drug out and having to fight for her life as she is viciously attacked. No doubt she and her family are now ardent defenders of her attackers and their views.

Oakland Mob beats down suspected ‘snitch’

About admin

Opposed to politicians who equivocate about air quality & BioMassacre
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