Author Archives: admin

About admin

Opposed to politicians who equivocate about air quality & BioMassacre

John Dean Warns Trump Prosecutors Are Closing In

by Ed Mazza (3-11-21) — John Dean, the White House counsel to President Richard M. Nixon who was once dubbed the “master manipulator” of the Watergate scandal, says he knows legal trouble and former President Donald Trump is in it deep. Dean shared a … Continue reading

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Déjà vu: Now you really CAN take it with you!

Chatbots that resurrect the dead: legal experts weigh in on ‘disturbing’ technology Alan Turing ran into something besides winning WWII for England. The Turing test named after his proposition artificial intelligence would be measured by whether a machine could pass…as … Continue reading

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Psychopathy & the Origins of Totalitarianism by James Lindsay

Many of the greatest horrors of the history of humanity owe their occurrence solely to the establishment and social enforcement of a false reality. With gratitude to the Catholic philosopher Josef Pieper and his important 1970 essay “Abuse of Language, … Continue reading

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Taylor Nicole Barrett Plea to Reckless Burning in lieu of Arson II

Tay’s lack of judgment continues apace on social media despite her nominally adult status. (DOB: 1999). The convicted felon threatens anyone she dislikes with exposure–an unkind sentiment in the dead of winter to say the least. For FB example: Taylor … Continue reading

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Australian ANTIFA Shill Chumps American Journalist

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A Day In Infamy, 1-6-21

This may prove to be a record of documentary clips sourced from the 5th Estate leading to the 2nd impeachment and Senate trial of the only U.S. President in history to be impeached twice–in a single term, no less, to … Continue reading

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Cat Attorney Risks Contempt for ZOOM Court Appearance

TYPICALLY A judge warns an attorney to change his filter in this published (by the judge) clip containing DIRE WARNINGS TO THE PUBLIC NOT TO COPY or live stream it…this despite the fact the 1st, 6th, and 14th Amendments MANDATE … Continue reading

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Bob Charleston Xparte Vulnerable Adult Protection hearing

Shelton, WA (2-8-21) — This cause #21-2-00056-23 filed by Robert Charleston against Timothy Allen Mallea was heard on the ex parte calendar, 2-8-21. The voice you hear kibitzing in Bob’s ear is his friend, Jeffrey Denison, who prepared the paperwork … Continue reading

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Filing & Publishing a Nonprobate Notice to Creditors Filing a Nonprobate Notice to Creditors Telephoning the Probate Clerk Telephone Numbers Requirement Specific to King County Going to the Superior Court Clerk’s Office Filing Fees & Methods of Payment Publishing a Nonprobate Notice to … Continue reading

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Ft. Lauderdale: 2 FBI Agents Shot to Death, 3 wounded

By Josh Campbell, Eric Levenson, Rosa Flores and Sara Weisfeldt Ft. Lauderdale, FL (2-2-21) — Two FBI agents were fatally shot and three agents were wounded in a shootout as they executed a search warrant in Sunrise, Florida, on Tuesday morning, the FBI said. The … Continue reading

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