Category Archives: Uncategorized

Oly’s Tenderloin Street Crime, Beatings: Business as Usual?

Olympia, WA (5-26-15) — After an evening full of heartfelt grievances voiced at the Olympia City Council meeting, Tuesday, over the shooting of two young black men, a search for a reputed broken window on 4th Ave was conducted and located … Continue reading

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2 Black Shoplifting Suspects Critically Wounded by Oly Cop

[Should video footage/news reports of LEO’s gunning down citizens in public be subject to copyright restrictions? How is this consistent with the 1st Amendment intent for a free press to act as a bulwark for transparency and accountability in government? … Continue reading

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You Can Leave Your Hat On Sax Invitation

There’s always something about music that keeps life interesting. Given plans here are to play sax for an all girl dance troupe upon arriving in Heaven (being optimistic), interested ladies wishing to aid/abet the filming and sax playing sax accompaniment … Continue reading

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Shelton Cop Brutalizes Steven Spangler/Smith

by Freda Spangler Shelton, WA (4-26-15) — Ok I have had A LOT of people ask what happened to my son..I have been given permission from our attorneys to post..I said I would leave the police officer’s name out of … Continue reading

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Portland Woman Rejects Suitor w/a Bat

by Andrea Cavallier Portland, OR — A woman in Oregon has been charged with assault after she allegedly surprised a longtime online ‘boyfriend’ during their first face-to-face meeting  by beating him in the head with a bat. According to Q13 in Seattle, 26-year-old … Continue reading

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Teen’s Mom Sues School Board Over NRA T-Shirt Arrest

by Jessica Chasmar Logan, W. VA — A West Virginia mother is suing the Logan County Board of Education for violating her teenage son’s constitutional rights after he was charged and suspended for wearing an National Rifle Association T-shirt to … Continue reading

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Public to Serve as Guinea Pigs for Robotic Cars?

Google purpose-built robot cars tested on public roads This summer some of the self-driving cars will be tested on the roads around Mountain View, California, where the search giant is based. Before now, the small vehicles have only driven on … Continue reading

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Entombment: Contemporary Torture American Style

Like the treatment we afford our animal cousins, the treatment of prison inmates closely correlates to how the population in general is treated, both by our government which behaves as though its constituents are the ‘enemy’ and by each other. … Continue reading

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Rochester 3 Accused of Abusing/Injuring Disabled Roommate

by Amelia Dickson Rochester, WA (5-12-15) — Three Rochester residents have been arrested for allegedly beating and starving their mentally disabled roommate. Brandon A. Aquino, Yolanda Lynne Lonnie Whitten and Robert J. Whitten were arrested Friday, and are being held in … Continue reading

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Let the Fire Burn: The Philadelphia MOVE Atrocity (5-13-85)

Proof we are too often governed by idiots..thugs or criminals in suits….To be responsible for what they did to Philadephia’s MOVE in 1985 and get away with it is worse than scary. At least half the local government should have … Continue reading

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