Category Archives: Uncategorized

Private ‘Probation’ Corporations Bleed Poor Dry

DEBTORS’ PRISONS AMERICAN STYLE This is the story of Hali Wood (et ux), a seventeen-year-old from Columbiana, Alabama who is deeply in debt to the private probation company, JCS.

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90-Year-Old Florida Man Cited for Feeding the Homeless

FT. LAUDERDALE: “If you’re poor–just STOP being poor!” [Like Olympia’s Ben Charles, a resolute native American pastor with a street ministry that insists on feeding the hungry in the face of municipal opposition, Good Samaritans are under attack by ordinances … Continue reading

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Oly Jazz Central ( Censors Avatar

Is Olympia beholden to a neo-liberal cabal of kontrol freaks? Olympia, WA — Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Lenny Bruce and George Carlin were luminaries in fighting for the right of performing artists to fully exercise their … Continue reading

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Montana Street Justice

The lowdown on Montana’s most notorious lowlifes: by Eric Dietrich Henry Plummer In May 1863, Henry Plummer was elected sheriff of Bannack, the town that would become Montana’s first territorial capital. The following January, he was hanged on his own … Continue reading

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IPCC: Fossil fuels should be ‘phased out by 2100’

IPCC keen to avoid old ghosts Europe ‘will fail to protect climate’ Climate impacts ‘overwhelming’ – UN by Matt McGrath (BBC News) “Those who choose to ignore or dispute the science so clearly laid out in this report do so … Continue reading

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Digital Hate Mail from Olympia’s ‘Bob Johnson’?

Olympia, WA (10-29-14) — It’s been said nobody knows you’re a dog on the internet. Nobody there knows if you’re sane either. Normally the mentally ill quickly tire of inflammatory hate induced screeds to the editor of their local paper or … Continue reading

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TCTV Censors Journalist Member, Burns 1st Amendment

Olympia, WA — Scientists from Harvard Medical School have discovered a way of turning stem cells into killing machines to fight brain cancer. Researchers were originally stymied in their effort using volunteers from TCTV because those sanctimonious assholes have shit for … Continue reading

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Kursa 2014 – HD: A Latvian Celebration (Shelton, WA)

Latvia and it’s capitol, Riga, are a long way from the Pacific NW. There are about 2 million people in the tiny, but fiercely independent nation. Only roughly half are Latvian. The others are largely unwelcome ethnic Russians given the … Continue reading

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US Ebola Vaccine Mothballed for 10 Years

Big Pharma in the US stifled an Ebola vaccine for over 10 years due to greed. by Denise Grady GALVESTON, Tex. — Almost a decade ago, scientists from Canada and the United States reported that they had created a vaccine … Continue reading

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Not That Kind of Woman

From the BEDTIME STORIES FOR ADULTS series “Over the years you have been hunted by the men who threw harpoons And in the long run he will kill you just to feed the pets we crave, put the flowers in … Continue reading

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