Category Archives: Uncategorized

NY Man Charged w/Manslaughter for Shooting Armed Burglar

New York is at it again. Not satisfied with the State’s Sullivan law which makes it illegal for residents to own/possess pistols, it now ups the ante by trying to criminalize self defense against armed intruders. The inalienable right of … Continue reading

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The New Salem: R@dical Snitch Hunts

(A)narchists and r@dicals are notoriously paranoid, @ssaultive, destructive, and their own worst enemies–a trait so well known among law enforcement agencies, it is used as a ‘tell’ when they assess a suspect. It suits their purpose and becomes part of … Continue reading

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Hunger Strike by WA State Immigration Detainees

Hunger Strikes part of a larger campaign aimed at President Obama to issue an executive order halting deportations by Amel Ahmed (2-24-14) Tacoma, WA — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has confirmed that at least 550 detainees at the … Continue reading

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MA Cop [Falsely] Arrests Citizen Photographer for Recording

Bad Cop! No Donut. A Fall River, MA. man has been charged with violating the Massachusetts wiretapping statute for recording a police officer talking on his cell phone and cursing while working a street detail. by Carlos Miller of PINAC … Continue reading

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Federal Jury Accepts Latino’s Murder for ‘Gang Colors’

Police Rationalize Murdering Unarmed Anaheim Latino for Dress & Neighborhood by Ranika Khalek (3-7-14) Anaheim, CA — On July 27, 2012, 24-year-old Manuel Diaz was shot in the back of the head by Anaheim police officer Nick Bennallack. Officers then stood over Diaz, … Continue reading

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Baltimore Cops Continue to Harass Photojournalists

by Carlos Miller of PINAC Baltimore, MD — Still not having finalized the $250,000 settlement for deleting a man’s images from his phone, the Baltimore Police Department continues to harass and intimidate photographers, including a photojournalist from the Baltimore Sun last month who … Continue reading

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NY Man Struggles Against False Arrest Allegation Despite Video

Mark Lambrych had a very unfortunate and suspect brush with the law in his community. He describes how he was assaulted, arrested, and charged as follows: “Corrupt Video just recovered, more videos still to repair after in police custody for … Continue reading

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BART’s False Arrest of Journalist Generates Lawsuit

Targeting Journalist Proves Expensive for BART by Andrew Meyer of PINAC San Francisco, CA — After being penned like an animal and arrested inside an official “free-speech zone,” a San Francisco-area journalist has filed suit against BART, the Bay Area … Continue reading

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Baltimore PD Pays Out $250,000 for Deleting Video

Maryland’s ACLU takes Baltimore’s Police Dept. to the cleaner$! Baltimore, MD — Concerned that the Baltimore City Police Department routinely violates the First Amendment by threatening citizens who try to photograph or record police encounters, the ACLU of Maryland on … Continue reading

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Shelton’s Mayor Cronce Demands Civility While Rome Burns

Herr Cronce has pronounced civility the order of the day during citizen comment periods at Shelton’s City Council meetings. He avers how they ‘love’ public comments, though a quick glance at their posting of the videos from these sessions reveals … Continue reading

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