Shelton’s Mayor Cronce Demands Civility While Rome Burns

Herr Cronce has pronounced civility the order of the day during citizen comment periods at Shelton’s City Council meetings. He avers how they ‘love’ public comments, though a quick glance at their posting of the videos from these sessions reveals comments on Youtube are CLOSED! In fact, the Mayor is so interested in public comments from citizens, he can’t take his eyes off the stop watch he keeps to make sure they don’t exceed 3 minutes. The irony slides off him like water off a Dynasty Duck’s back.

This is the guy who took point while the City defended against an onslaught, a veritable army of bikini barristas, female breasts, and [get this!] ANAL CLEAVAGES. The City is now safe from these slippery slopes to perdition while it does nothing about its own dirty laundry including a ‘C’ street public dump (never closed), a harbor, and an environment heavily tainted by Dioxin. Moreover, the City wants to allow a grade school built next to the Dioxin contaminated dump as part of the Hall Equities development, deeming it (although Cronce almost can’t recall how to spell the acronym–FEIS) environmentally insignificant. That’s right–the City has concluded that exposing our families, our small children to the worst mutagenic, carcinogenic, immunogenic, bio-accumulative, cognition disabling chemical known to man–so dangerous that even the smallest measurable amounts (in parts per trillion) are hazardous and will leave a thalidomide like legacy for generations–is ‘environmentally insignificant’. This heaving, still breathing, sweating anachronism is what City residents have to depend on for the community’s welfare and its children’s health. Good luck with that…don’t forget to be civil and smile at this excuse for an elected public official.

Perhaps some activist or citizen Robin Hood might bring a large scoop of the Dioxin tainted soil from the ‘C’ street dump for the final reading of the environmental death warrant
@ 6:00pm on 3-17-14 in the City Council scheduled meeting? They might/could dump it on the table which the Commissioners are sitting at while taking their full 3-minutes to explain just what it is they’re inhaling and inviting them to take it home to their children and grandchildren! Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Clearly this Mayor and the City Council simply don’t get it…or don’t care. It’s up to citizens to MAKE them care!

Some Ignorant/Greedy residents can be heard pleading growth for growth’s sake, pleading Jobs, Jobs, Jobs while ignoring the health consequences to our children and mothers in the following video. Crimes against humanity are still the order of the day in Shelton as it’s Mayor fiddles while its future burns. Though ‘Jobs’ are obviously needed to achieve a healthy economy, every responsible parent, given the choice, would rather struggle for his child’s next meal than watch that child struggle for its next breath, or witness the birth of children with horrible birth defects resulting from the kinds of toxins they were exposed to by corporate criminals aided and abetted by elected toadies more interested in profits than the health of families in the community. Terry Thomson points out the obvious: It’s all connected–the aquifers, the air, the soils, our mutual interdependence, future generations and our legacy in how we protected what’s left of our environment. The weak argument that Hall Equities’ proposed development of 604 acres has no duty to anyone but itself as defined by its real estate holdings is blatantly incorrect. Environmental Impact studies do not (properly) stop at artificial property boundaries because the harm does not limit itself to those boundaries. If I have poisoned the soil and the underlying aquifers (as is evident in this instance), a community well should not be permitted on the next parcel over simply because a property boundary exists between my holdings (and toxic waste dump) and my neighbor’s. If the City had been more aggressive in holding the proper parties accountable, it would not be holding the bag today. First things first–clean up the environment before considering developing it and exposing our children to the contamination. It’s not only in the soil, but the water, the air and even the food chain. Dioxin is evil, worse than lethal, insidious, bio-accumulative and persistent.

Oakland Bay & ‘C’ Street City Dump: Shellfish nursery & Hotbed of DIOXIN contamination

Studies of Dioxin’s effects in Vietnam

WA State Dept of Ecology declares Oakland Bay Dioxin contaminated shellfish safe

Dioxin fallout accumulates in food chain

2 cars in every garage, 3 eyes for every fish

Health Effects in Animals Exposed to DIOXIN

About admin

Opposed to politicians who equivocate about air quality & BioMassacre
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1 Response to Shelton’s Mayor Cronce Demands Civility While Rome Burns

  1. Oh my goodness. Wonderful post! I love the idea of delivering some of the contaminated soil to the commission meeting!!

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