1-9-25 fugitive Selena Smith strangles elderly parent

Case Information


Case Number


File Date

Case Type
PRE Pre Filing – Adult

Case Status


Plaintiff (Criminal)

Defendant (WIP)


  • Verified Name Match Selena Ursa Smith OLYMPIA, WA
  • 48
    • Olympia, WA
    • Lacey, WA
    • Portland, OR
    • Nunn, CO
    • Denver, CO
    • Lafayette, CO
    • Las Vegas, NV
    • Riverside, CA
    • San Diego, CA
    • Centralia, WA
    • Apo, AE
    • Jber, AK
    • Charles Morris
    • Kathryn Stoker
    • Hans Stoker
    • Maya Stoker
    • Chad Stoker



1Non-ChargeNONNon Charge01/08/2025

Events and Hearings

  • 01/09/2025 Preliminary Appearance Original Type
    Preliminary Appearance Judicial Officer
    Cobb, Monty D Hearing Time
    1:15 PM Result
    Held Comment (ZOOM ID:907 729 4239)
    (Judge Cobb recused himself from any further hearings in the instant case)
    1:15 Parties Present Defendant (WIP): SMITH, SELENA URSA
  • 01/09/2025 Affidavit of Probable Cause
  • Booking #: 25-0025 Name: SMITH, SELENA U Name Number: 302216
  • Book Date: 14:30:00 01/08/25
  • Rel Date: No Rel Date
  • Statute Offense Court Offense Class
  • 9A.36.021.2.DV Domestic Violence SUPR DOMV FB
  • 9A.40.040 Kidnapping, Abduction SUPR KIDN FC
  • 9A.36.150 Domestic Violence

Selena Arrested

(During Selena’s arrest, Deputies were seen counting a large sum of cash found in her backpack.)

Charles Anthony Morris (Selena’s ex) sharing a photo of his wife’s tender embrace w/family.

Charles Morris letter to family (View Document)

Maya Smith/(Stoker) Declaration excoriating Selena (her mom) for DV filed in Thurston County Family Court in case #:21-4-00443-34 (Emergency Guardianship Petition)
View Document — Maya is Selena’s oldest child & daughter of independent means due to the death of her father (Drew) amd changing her name to Stoker to ingratiate herself w/her multi-millionaire maternal grandmother and Stoker clan…quite successfully it might be added given the wording in the Last Will of Hans Stoker. Ironically, Maya is silent about the heated arguments her grandmother had w/Hans. That would have chilled the financial ardor of her benefactors, cheapening her newly adopted “brand”.

25.1.8 Selena’s call to 911 trivializing and justifying her vicious assault, ripping the phone out of the wall while ordreing me not to call the police before pushing me over backwards in my wheel chair (keenly aware of my fragile health in detail) and struggling with me for about 8 minutes to wrest my cell phone from my hands. I asked her repeatedly tp get pff of me and let me get up, but she refused unless I promised not to call the police. Then she renewed her effort to wrest my cell phone from me, saying she’d let me up if I gave it to her, finally choking me nearly into unconciousness while gloating and taunting me with her imagined grievances. Nobody called her a ‘bitch’ or ‘abused’ her in any way. On the contrary, she was being counseled on the futility of remaining a fugitive if she ever wanted to see her children. She lied about injuring me. The responding deputy observed my eyes were bleeding from being choked and I could not see clearly through the blood in my eyes the resulted from the hemmorhaging. Everytime Selena has assaulted another person, she inevitably tried to justify it and/or trivialize it. I’m lucky to be alive. Selen admits to the 911 operator she got off on trying to squeeze the life out of me when she strangled me. Her actions may not have been premeditated for longer than the time it took her, but her actions were very deliberate and satisfying to her according to Selena. She’s looking at a felony trial (burglary) for the DV incident where she entered her mother’s home in 2021 (July) before kicking her when Deputies tried to separate Selena from her small children. Selena’s mom had acquired legal custody of them after a contentious and unfair Guardianship proceeding w/o representation or a right to a jury trial. What’s apparent here is Selena trying to lie her way out of yet another predicament she caused. Selena is fulll of hate towards virtually everyone, perhaps even herself. My near death experience at her hands combined with her brazen violence and self gratulatory attitude for it demins the maximum penalty the law provides for–10 years minimum would be a good start. Patricidal Orphans have lost their humanity. This 48yo misanthropic patricidal maniac gloated and congratulated herself for letting me live while I struggled for almost three minutes to recover enough strength to get upright off the floor. She trivialized & made light of it to the 911 call center. No, I’m NOT “fine” & will never be after this. I lost a daughter–her children a mother. The responding Deputy could see from my bleeding eyes I was not “fine” as did the medics. Selena lied, denied she’d choked me. The most common cause of death in DV altercations is strangulation. That she couldn’t think of my birth date or name speaks volumes.

CLICK HERE to hear the audio of a remorseless orphan feeling sorry for herself.

Prior Paternal good deeds did not go unpunished. What’s the Biblical quote about casting pearls? The Stokers?–Selena was right about them…in spades. But, they were also right about her. Though she bridles at the allegation of being an unfit mother, She claims she couldn’t escape from the clingy violent perennial homeless psychotic (Robby) accompanying her in her van as she drove to Olympia from Portland to retrieve her children, adding them to the mix of Portland rapists, thugs, and Robby she argued she couldn’t escape that watershed Saturday in July, 2021. She did nothing to intervene when her ratso BF (James Wells, father of her 2 youngest) invited one of his heroin addicted friends to dry out for days under the same roof w/her children. The guy puked all over the bedroom and James left the slimy stench for Selen to clean up, Selena’s children to witness. Maya describes mounds of mouse shit on every shelf and surface. Selena’s common sense and judgment was non-existent, leaving her children in the care/company of violent psychotic strange men who she said they and their gangs held her against her will, sexually abused her, passed her around like a whore, and forced her to trade sex for drugs. This mother’s lack of a true moral compass or sense of direction can be measured in presuming she could protect them when she could not protect herself. The truth is much closer to Kathryn’s (Selena’s mother) observation Selena used her children to support herself on the public’s dime. When Selena’s children were illegally seized w/o due process in Oregon, Selena’s world fell apart, she found a Portland job in a desperate bid to recover her kids before felony FTA for trial, jumping bail, heisting the RV van she’d leased, and fleeing to Slab City, California (The most lawless enclave in America) before being set upon by some locals she’d sold her stolen can to without warning them. They hogties her (according to Selena) not out of predatiry instincts to sell into Mexican white slavery, but to teach Selena some manners. One must be very honest to live outside the law. Selena failed that litmus test. The lesson was harsh. Life on the streets of Washington D.C. seemed tame by comparison.

Selena’s Portland benefactors were shocked by the barbarity of the Stokers’ violation of my daughter’s (and her children’s) Civil Rights and Due Process–calling them monsters. As the truth crystalized, it turned out Selena had been the most pernicious monster all along. Where the Stokers piteously cut Selena’s children from half of their family, Selena was dead set on cutting them off from all of her family, repeatedly declaring to all who would listen she hated them all. Selena cast herself as the antagonist in her own rendition of The Last Picture Show.

Collect/funded calls from Selena @ (866)516-0115 jailhouse payphone after arrest for DV and Burglary in the wake of visiting her mother’s (Kathryn Stoker) residence:
7-20-21 9:09am 4m57s
7-20-21 9:18am 4m53s
7-20-21 9:25am 8m15s
7-20-21 9:43am 19m59s
7-20-21 10:06am 19m36s
7-20-21 10:27am 19m54s
7-20-21 10:49am 15m07s
7-21-21 2:25am 16m46s

Deja vu all over again

Case Information


Case Number
Deputy’s Report #: 25-00391


File Date

Case Type
PRE Pre Filing – Adult

Case Status


Plaintiff (Criminal)

Defendant (WIP)


Active Attorneys
Mason Co. Deputy—Prosecuting Attorney
Address: PO Box 639, Shelton, WA 98584-0639
Phone: (360) 427-9670 EXT 417
E-Mail: tbickerton@masoncountywa.gov
Admit Date:2014-10-20

Nicole S. Helser
Mason County Prosecutor’s Office – Administrative Secretary
Civil & District Court Division
P.O. Box 639
521 N. 4th Street
Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 427-9670 ext. 394
(360) 427-7754 Fax

Lead Attorney

Hack, Karl Alan (withdrew)/DALE BRAUNGER

Public Defender



1Non-ChargeNONNon Charge01/08/2025

Events and Hearings

  • 01/09/2025 Preliminary Appearance Original Type
    Preliminary AppearanceJudicial Officer
    Cobb, Monty D Hearing Time
    1:15 PM Result
    Held Comment
    1:15P Parties PresentDefendant (WIP): SMITH, SELENA URSA
  • 1 01/09/2025 Affidavit of Probable Cause View Document Affidavit of Probable Cause
    (In the above PC affidavit, the arresting officer notes blood in the victim’s right eye, the kind of orbital hemorraging consistent w/strangulation. Selena’s denying and lying about her strangling the victim to a law enforcement official is a separate crime.

    She could have lawfully remained silent, but attempted to evade accountability by lying–a consistent pattern in her life reminiscent of the same pattern in her mother’s life–ultimately giving rise to the instant case and reflecting her obvious lack of remorse or accepting responsibility for her actions.

    Selena’s denial flies in the face of the officer’s observation along with the paramedics’ documentation, called to the scene of the crime. The victim experienced and relayed information to the paramedics his vision was blurred in both eyes from the blood in them. The victim knows this fact from personal experience.

    Selena’s sentence should be enhanced due to her deliberate lying when, in fact, she was verbally gloating and taunting her victim while strangling him. The fact she has but one good hand does not consider her strength, and the victim’s weakened elderly condition–the extent of his medical condition and infirmities well known to her.

    Additionally, there was an active struggle over the victim’s cell phone giving rise to her strangling him while claiming she would release him if he turned over his cell phone to her and promised not to call the police. The victim refused.

    Selena’s taunts were abusive and vile beyond imagination. She gloated at how he deserved to die. When she finally did release him, she pronounced she was more virtuous and better than him as reason for letting him live. In his shocked weakened state, it took him about 3 minutes to recover sufficiently to get off the floor and flee from his home. Selena followed him up the driveway.

    Selena commented at her Hearing the jail was comfortable, the food good along with the company she had. The bail amount was paltry–$5,000–considering the severity of the crime–deliberate attempted murder, if not premeditated.

    Selena is a woman who stabbed her husband with a butcher knife while in Germany, but suffered no consequences for it. The deja vu simply increases in severity and magnitude with time. This woman will end up dead or killing someone. She is a menace to herself and others, including her own family and children. She is hopelessly out of control.)
  • 01/09/2025 JIS Check Confidential Document Cover Sheet
  • 01/09/2025 Findings of Indigency
  • 2 01/09/2025 Order Appointing Attorney View Document Order Appointing Attorney Judicial Officer
    Cobb, Monty D Comment
  • 3 01/09/2025 Transmittal on Copy of Order View Document Transmittal on Copy of Order Comment
  • 4 01/09/2025 Order for Pretrial Release View Document Order for Pretrial ReleaseJ udicial Officer
    Cobb, Monty D
  • 5 01/09/2025 Transmittal on Copy of Order View Document Transmittal on Copy of Order Comment
  • 6 01/09/2025 No Contact Order View Document No Contact Order Judicial Officer
    Cobb, Monty D
  • 7 01/09/2025 Transmittal on Copy of Order View Document Transmittal on Copy of Order Comment
  • 01/13/2025 Filing of Charges Info 
  • 8 View Document Transmittal on Copy of Order
  • Comment Judge Tirsa Butler assigned
    (View Document)
  • Criminal dockets and hearings – Defendants and Counsel appear in person unless otherwise authorized
  • Criminal docket (Monday) ZOOM ID:907 729 4239
  • Show Cause docket (Tuesday) ZOOM ID:907 729 4239
  • Special set cases (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
  • ID hearings (as needed / daily)
  • 8a 01/13/2025 Information View Document Information
  • 9 01/13/2025 Transmittal on Copy of Order View Document Transmittal on Copy of Order Comment
  • 10 01/14/2025 Order Appointing Attorney View Document Order Appointing Attorney Judicial Officer
    Cobb, Monty D Comment
  • 11 01/14/2025 Notice of Appearance and Request for Discovery View Document Notice of Appearance and Request for Discovery Comment
  • 01/21/2025 Initial Arraignment 
  • Original Type
  • Initial Arraignment
  • Judicial Officer
  • Cobb, Monty D
  • Hearing Time
  • 9:00 AM
  • Result
  • Held
  • Comment
  • 9A
  • Parties Present
  • Plaintiff (Criminal): STATE OF WASHINGTON
  • Deputy Prosecuting Attorney: Bickerton, Tyler Craig
  • Defendant (WIP): SMITH, SELENA URSA
  • Attorney: Braunger, Dale Francis
  • 12 01/21/2025 Order Setting Trial Date View Document Order Setting Trial Date Judicial Officer
    Cobb, Monty D
  • 13 01/21/2025 Transmittal on Copy of Order View Document Transmittal on Copy of Order Comment
  • 02/10/2025 Omnibus Judicial Officer
    Cobb, Monty D Hearing Time
    9:00 AM Comment
  • 02/24/2025 Pre-Trial Management Hearing Judicial Officer
    Cobb, Monty D Hearing Time
    9:00 AM Comment
  • 03/11/2025 Trial Confirmation Judicial Officer
    Cobb, Monty D Hearing Time
    9:00 AM Comment
  • 03/11/2025 Jury Trial-12 Judicial Officer
    Cobb, Monty D Hearing Time
    9:00 AM Comment

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Opposed to politicians who equivocate about air quality & BioMassacre
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