It was a sweet, but humble event–much like our Savior’s birth. Friends, neighbors, and Christians alike gathered in the Hunter Farms barn to celebrate the birth of Christ. The barn had been swept clean and straw bales stacked high for the occasion. The songs of Christmas were unadorned but heart felt as the musicians and celebrants joined their voices in rejoicing. Homemade cookies, coffee, tea, and hot cider were offered after the service. There were many smiles and children that night.
Services were conducted by the New Community Church of Union, WA, an interdenominational Christian fellowship that meets for worship, service, and outreach in the greater Union area.
Pastor Terry R. Olive, 951 E. Dalby Rd, PO Box 232, Union, WA 98592,, (360)898-7855
Sundays: Worship Services – 8:30 & 10:30 @ the Union Fire Hall (3rd & Seattle St)
(kids’ Sunday School – offered during the 10:30 service)
Tuesdays: Prayer Time – 9:30 (Church Office); Quilting Group – 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Wednesdays: Study – End Times, 10:00 am, Church Office; NT Characters – 10:30a
AL-Anon Family Group, 10:00 – 11:00 am @ 600 N. Lake Cushman Rd, Hoodsport
Thursdays: Souper Soup, 12:00 – 1:00 pm @ Church Office, 2nd & 4th Thursdays;
AA Meetings, 5:00 pm, Church Office
Saturdays: Call to Prayer, 6:00 pm, Church Office
NCCU Quilters: Tuesdays @ the NCCU office, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
(No experience or equipment necessary)
Feeding the Hungry (@ St. David’s): 2nd Thursday each month
Souper Soup Lunch: 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each month, noon – 1:00p @ NCCU
Grief Counseling: Contact NCCU office or Pastor Terry