Melbourne, Australia – riot at (A)narchist solidarity party, real estate agent smashed
by Corey Delaney Brigade
On the evening of friday 26th of april, cops raided a solidarity party for anarchist prisoners at a squatted warehouse in Clifton Hill. Upon entry the pigs were immediately pelted with bottles and forced to retreat. However backup was called, and shortly after the warehouse was surrounded by riot squad, regular cops, and dogs. The occupants were forced out of the building and on to the street where the cops were attacked a second time with bottles, rocks, and other projectiles while the party goers chanted “A.C.A.B!”
A police radio was stolen and used to taunt and verbally abuse the bastards. The cops responded with baton charges, pepper spray, and mauling people with their dogs. At this point the revellers disappeared into the night to party elsewhere. Many were heard to comment “best party ever!”
As a response to this police attack, and as an act of solidarity with this small rupture and an attempt to broaden its horizons we went to North Fitzroy and smashed up a real estate agent.
We also express our solidarity and warm regards to anarchist Felicity Ryder who is still on the run, and to Jock Palfreeman, antifascist prisoner in Bulgaria.