Category Archives: Uncategorized

1st Amendment & 5th Estate vs. DMCA Repression

Washington, 9-15-20 Dana,Thank you for asking.  It’s a huge problem poised on the rotting foundation of 1st Amendment guarantees.  You’ve experienced and been to court over it.  So have I.  People are dying in the streets over it today. Almost … Continue reading

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LA County Gangs Wear Badges

It’s said: Live by the sword die by the sword. Did Law enforcement and politicians create this environment by giving officers enormous powers without holding them accountable for police brutality? In order for civil society to work there needs to … Continue reading

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Another Alligator by any Otter means

We’ve barely recovered from the snake-eats-croc photos, and now this: Photos reveal a river otter in Florida attacking a young alligator, which it then ripped into for lunch. The photos, shot in 2011 in Florida’s Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge by a visitor … Continue reading

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Riot 101: In Defense of Looting

by Natalie Escobar 8-27-20 In the past months of demonstrations for Black lives, there has been a lot of hand-wringing about looting. Whether it was New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo saying that stealing purses and sneakers from high-end stores in … Continue reading

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C Davis Self Destructs at Admin Hearing Alleging Voter Fraud (8-27-20)

C Davis attempts to defend against allegations of voter fraud filed by Andrew Saturn, a previously failed Socialist candidate. Mr. Davis is a fiscal conservative and heated opponent of Communism and socialist policies in government. In his election campaign for … Continue reading

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17yo Kenosha, WI boy Shoots & Kills Rioter 8-26-20

This alleged 17-year-old shooter (Kyle Rittenhouse) spoke with the Daily Caller moments before an incident occurred that left one man dead. He was taken into custody pending an investigation. You’ll never see this on MSM and FB will likely censor … Continue reading

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2 Karens Pirate 7 yo’s MAGA Hat 8-22-20

Wilmington Police have arrested a 21-year-old woman they said assisted in the theft of a 7-year-old child’s MAGA hat outside the Democratic National Convention in Wilmington. Police arrested Camryn Amy on August 22, 2020, a day after Olivia M. Winslow … Continue reading

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Kenosha, WI cop shoots unarmed Black man 7X, point-blank

YouTube, in an effort to repress knowledge of this racist attack, censored this video of an unarmed non-threatening Black Good Samaritan being shot 7 times in the back in front of children by a white Kenosha, WI cop. Nevertheless. In … Continue reading

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Marquise ‘Keese’ Love ARRESTED! This viciously violent parasitic waste pf oxygen has been taken into custody! PORTLAND, OR (KPTV) – The 25-year-old man accused of a violent assault in downtown Portland Sunday night has been arrested. Portland police say Marquise Lee Love turned … Continue reading

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Quantum paradox points to shaky foundations of reality

by George Musser (8-17-20) Nearly 60 years ago, the Nobel Prize–winning physicist Eugene Wigner captured one of the many oddities of quantum mechanics in a thought experiment. He imagined a friend of his, sealed in a lab, measuring a particle … Continue reading

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