E@t The Rich!

Grand Jury Resister and (A)rchenemy of the state, Maddy Pfeiffer of Olympia, has argued property is theft.


A funny thing happened on my way to Capitol Hill.

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‘Maddy’ Pfeifer








Jordi Damiana pals



A family of Noses



Jordi Damiana & Dane


Dane & Jordi Damiana



Dane Brooks


‘Pax’ (aka: Bryan Michael Wiedeman, 25), p@l & confidante

Perhaps there really is a God, or at least poetic justice, because Maddy Pfeiffer’s significant other, Jordi Damiana, posted the following on a Tumblr account:

Help replace Maddy’s Laptop and Car Window

Maddy’s car was broken into* on Capitol Hill Saturday night (6:15 pm). ‘Their’ backpack and laptop were stolen and ‘their’ [Maddy’s] car window was broken out in the process. As some of you may know, Maddy recently spent some time in prison for defying a grand jury here in Seattle. Due to this, they’ve had a rough go of it and it’d be great if we could get a bit of money together to soften the financial blow.

***’We’ does not condemn this theft, any theft or crime in general. [They say.]

So there you have it: Why risk getting arrested while shoplifting or otherwise trying to survive when the dilettante (A)narchists have so much ‘stuff’? Remember, “property is theft“, so you’ll be doing them a favor if you can track down where ‘they’ live (or what they’re driving and where ‘they’ park) to relieve ‘them’ of it. Maddy’s pals (or parents, or the state) will get ‘them’ more soon enough. In this instance, ‘they’ sanctions theft/crime, or at least do not condemn it…more for you, more for ‘them’. Affirm Maddy’s thesis, support the revolution–STEAL! In fact, why not steal from the very folks who will thank you for doing so? E@t the Rich! Sn@ck on the (A)rrogant.

ps: A reward is being offered by this publication for the recovery of Maddy’s laptop–intact w/all data. Naturally the contents would need to be examined to insure it’s truly ‘theirs’! Don’t be shy–Maddy doesn’t mind. Property is against ‘their’ religion.

About admin

Opposed to politicians who equivocate about air quality & BioMassacre
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1 Response to E@t The Rich!

  1. ooppoddoo says:

    “Sn@ck on the (A)rrogant”. Now that’s funny. I never understood, “eating the rich”. Still don’t. Just because a person has some money doesn’t mean they’re bad people. And wouldn’t there be too much fat in that diet? Not to mention the difficulty a vegan might have.

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