Grays Harbor Judge Godfrey accused of GOD complex

Corruption in Thurston County’s judiciary has become so rife, the cesspool stink has unavoidably reached citizens–some of whom and attorneys utilize it for their own ends. Grays Harbor is not immune from this phenomena as criticisms of Judge Godfrey in the following video explains:

Lawless America Movement presents Proposed Legislation to Save America

Several people are actively investigating Judge Gordon GODfrey.  They’ve found he has a $1.2 million home in Olympia in Thurston County.  This is a problem because judges must reside in the county where they hold office — Grays Harbor County.  “Candidates must be resident electors of their district and admitted to practice law in the courts of record of the State of Washington.”
(Reference State Constitution, Article IV, Section 17; RCW 3.50.057).”

Grays Harbor Courthouse victim

CLICK to see Facebook buzz on Godrey.

The following 2-part video clip serves as an example of WHY Washington law must be changed to allow jury trials in divorce and custody dispute proceedings as opposed to the current Court Commissioner system wherein a Commissioner cannot be removed by an affidavit of prejudice (judges can) under State law:

Shelly Pierce tells of judicial abuse–stripping her parental rights: (pt. I/II)

Shelly Pierce tells of judicial abuse–the stripping of her parental rights: (pt. II/II)

Reminiscent of Thurston County Court Commissioner Indu Thomas’ abuse while sitting on the bench trashing Amy Cunningham’s family, here a teenage girl (Alexandra Musolf) testifies of how her family was similarly utterly destroyed based on the false accusations of her mentally ill youngest sibling and the arrogant execution of it by the judge and court appointed corrupt/incompetent social workers/engineers on hand in her town:

About admin

Opposed to politicians who equivocate about air quality & BioMassacre
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4 Responses to Grays Harbor Judge Godfrey accused of GOD complex

  1. Amy Cunningham says:

    The corruption is rampant…on the “Court Reporter” page I sent you a link to, did you happen to watch the video that explained the profit motive that drives our courts to actively seek to break up families (and this from a former employee)?

  2. Ann Laythe says:

    We are victims of Grays harbor co. Court Judges and the court appointed atty. here./social workers/ CAC center they are all corrupt they work together to take every child and destroy every home they possibly can. Now because the CPS worker has made sure my disabled daughter is not home after my boyfriends trial as well as the 3 boys of my boyfriend. Stephanie Rodrequise and all the workers made sure when they saw us they would laugh at us .We new all along what they were up to but our attys. would not help us. No matter how hard we tried and we did pass all the classes given us these Cps workers were told by Judge Edwards ( quote) why weren’t these parents terminated a long time ago. also Cps was allowed to bold face lie on the stand and the Judge was Judge Edwards and told her she could do what ever she wanted to us from that point on. Then came the problem of my daughter she is 32 yr. old born with brain damage. I have never in all those years done anything to hurt her or allow anyone else to hurt her. I have a court order that she is to live with me also. So APS and DDD office here made false statements against us to stop me from having my daughter even now . I have been put on supervised visits even those it was proved that all the accusations were false and unfounded. At Bobby’s trial Stephanie Rodrequise said (quote have you ever had a home study and I told here on the witness stand (quote) why should I ,I have never done anything to my daughter or allowed anything to happen to her. So before I realized it all the accusations started and lies. This CPS worker did not and does not like me and she intentionally helped to destroy my life. This had nothing to do with the trial she was on. with my boyfriends kids.. This county is motivated by financial gain. There was even an instance where the Police kidnapped a 2 yr. old from a friends house in there back yard to try to keep the baby. The Police officer was caught by the Dog catcher who saw him take the baby out of her back yard. The baby was taken to CPS and the father had just got her returned to him from CPS. These corrupt people here really believe they are abuse the LAW because they make there own Rules and Law. CPS even says alcohol is illegal substance and medical marijuania is illegal also even with a prescription. We all need to band together and get a class action Law suit against these people.

    • admin says:

      It’s likely your complaints have merit. However, you need an advocate capable of sorting through this mess and presenting it, both to the courts AND the public, in a concise cohesive manner people can grasp. Many, justifiably, have similar complaints. But it’s important to avoid presenting them in a hodgepodge fashion.

      Bill Windsor (of Lawless America) is trying to do this on a national scale, but his efforts of late have been bogged down by personal disputes within his organization. Still, this forum (Mason County Blog) will make every effort to expose the endemic corruption within our judicial system by reflecting the grievances and outrage of those most affected. With luck, you may find others who have dealt with the same personalities and can compare notes, pool your resources, or strategies on how to right such injustices…a difficult challenge at best.

    • jessica says:

      I start mine tomorrow morning!!

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