First they came for the gold, but only the Native Americans were dispossessed. Then they came for the land, but they left some to the Indians. Next they came for the silver, other metals, then the coal and oil. They took some of my neighbors’ land and even much of what they’d previously left to the Indians. But it produced jobs along with the filth. Such is the price of ‘progress’. All this time, they came for the forests, but nobody thought much of it. After all, we still have 4% of what we started with, isn’t that enough? They came for the rivers, bays, and lakes…even the seas and oceans. The waters seemed so vast, surely they couldn’t take them all? Now they want the remaining trees and they’ve come for the air itself. But there’s no one left who can stop them.
I had a dream. In it, the ponies were screaming and our grandchildren were crying. I saw them lying all around on the ground. They could not move. They were dying. The air was heavy and I could barely see the mountains where the forests were gone. There was no moon or stars, only the pall of death in the sky. I heard my grandfather’s voice. He told me he had the same dream many years before my birth. He had not wanted to tell me of it. He had not wanted to believe what his eyes told him. I do not want to believe this dream either. Surely our Creator will not let the people perish and lose all purpose. Surely the land will live on and sustain us. Surely our brothers, when they too have this dream, will be afraid for it is not a good death I have seen.