Jack Miles vs. Steve Bloomfield

Jack works with the community

I e-mailed a man I deeply respect, Jack Miles, out of concern he may have been blackmailed or coerced at a recent official public forum using Port of Shelton facilities in a vain attempt to embarrass him.  This was, at minimum, an egregious abuse of that forum in pursuit of what had no bearing on Port business whatsoever.  I’m requesting the audio to see exactly what was said and if it constituted a crime.  Out of respect for Port of Shelton Commissioner Jack Miles, I will also publish the e-mail response I received provided I get Mr. Miles’ permission, though I note one other community Blog has already done so.  I can tell you it makes the dishonorable Steve Bloomfield look like an insect.

Chairman Jay Hupp, who can get all worked up about phantoms sitting in HIS chair, and is so quick to squelch residents who vary even slightly from his narrow agenda, thought nothing of allowing Mr. Bloomfield to usurp the proceedings to go on a witch hunt.  Not only was that attempt despicable, but Mr. Hupp’s accommodation of it was egregiously reprehensible…and this from the same man who wanted to censure Mr. Miles  for (in Jack’s private capacity) criticizing Lt. Governor Brad Owens’ public support of Adage and Tim Sheldon.  The hypocrisy exhibited by Mr. Hupp is stunning!

Mr. Miles spent part of his life honorably and proudly serving his country in the U.S. Marine Corps.  Mr. Steve Bloomfield spent part of his time putting fellow citizens at risk of their lives by negligent driving on this State’s highways.  He was cited by the Washington State Patrol and plead guilty by forfeiting bail.

Pursuant to ‘fair use’ & news ‘commentary’, *modified* parodies of the original:

Shawnie Vedder use of a fats lens, shallow depth of field: (See comments)

Transformed Shawnie Vedder shot of Steve Bloomfield smirking after questioning Jack Miles' USMC service record

Giant Dinos Ate Like Fast-Food Aficionados

Mona Lisa contemplating a Dioxin seasoned seafood snack


Name Court Case Number Court Information
1 Bloomfield, Steven
Kcdc-so Div (swd) 7608409 11-30-1993

Clam Pirates

Steve Bloomfield
Seattle Shellfish LLC
2101 4th Ave E STE 201
Olympia, WA 98506
(360) 490-5917


(360) 236-0471 Fax





To all the Concerned Citizens of Mason County:

(From: Jack Miles)  November 3, 2010

I spent the night reliving the horrible and unnecessary comments Mr. Bloomfield brought to the Port meeting on Tuesday. However, it is time I clear the air and address Mr. Bloomfield’s question.

After a night of praying for answers as to what to do about Mr. Bloomfield’s comment’s at the meeting, I realized I already knew the answer. So I am writing to clear the air about my Military discharge.

First, I am proud to be an American and I am proud that I served my county in the United States Marine Corps. I was discharged from the Marines under “Other Than Honorable Conditions” and here’s the reason why; at the time of my service, President Clinton came into office. One of his campaign promises was to lift the ban on gays in the military. At that time, I had several gay friends in the military, mostly women. I was hopeful that President Clinton would be able to follow through with his campaign promise.

I grew up in San Diego, California and had a few gay friends that so desperately wanted to serve their country too, but had fear they would be exposed if they joined. As did I have friends in the military that were gay and feared being exposed. After President Clinton tried to make that a reality, the rank and file of the armed forces were running scared and began a witch hunt to get as many gay military personnel out as possible before or if this would happen. At the time, I was not shy about where I stood with gays in the military, nor am I now. The unfortunate situation that resulted from my position was, the military tried to get me to turn over names of all of my friends who were gay and who I thought might be gay….AND I REFUSED! I was told if I didn’t provide names, I would be tried for obstruction of Justice and conduct unbecoming a United States Marine. Rather than give up there names and put them through the humiliation, I took the deal to leave the Marine Corps under other than honorable conditions. But let me make one thing perfectly clear, that piece of paper does not change the fact that I served my country with honor and I am proud I was able to protect my fellow Marines and I would do it again.

I am utterly sad that it has come to this and I want to personally apologize for not being upfront on Tuesday. My hope was that I would not have to tell this story, but it appears Mr. Bloomfield will stop at nothing to spread a horrible lie and make me look bad. So please forgive me from the bottom of my heart. I thought what I said Tuesday was the right thing to do at the time and it was never meant to mislead you in any way. I just thought I could stand by my statement that “I served my country and I did it well” would be enough, however it got the best of me last night.

So to answer Mr. Bloomfield’s question, I will not resign as your representative. I protected my fellow Marines, this country and I will continue to protect you, “The Concerned Citizens of Mason County”.

Semper Fi,

Jack Miles, Commissioner
Port of Shelton


You deserve a chapter in John F. Kennedy’s PROFILES IN COURAGE.  I’m proud to have you as my countryman and friend.  I want to thank you for offering me (and the community) a teachable moment.  We never doubted you.  If anything, this increases my respect for you, although that wasn’t Mr. Bloomfield’s intent.

I will tell you I called him on the phone to ask if he said anything about releasing any ’embarrassing’ documents if you did not resign.  He denied it.  I told him I would check the audio of the meeting to hear it first hand.  If I hear an utterance from him of coercion or blackmail, I’d like to file a criminal complaint/report.

And, to help further educate the community, may I have your permission to post your e-mail on my community Blog?

I look forward to seeing you, but with a heightened appreciation of your strength of character.  You’ve taught me a lot.

About admin

Opposed to politicians who equivocate about air quality & BioMassacre
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1 Response to Jack Miles vs. Steve Bloomfield

  1. admin says:

    Shawnie’s argument (quoted from NWhikers.net):

    “Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:44 pm”

    “Some dude is using my pictures against my objections first by citing some “fair” use thing saying he’s allowed to do it because he is pulling it directly from my blogs server on blogger. So I took the picture down but he must have saved a copy of it because he has now uploaded it directly to his page but distorted the image and is still citing ‘fair use’ & news ‘commentary’ and parody to steal my picture. What is the law on this? I find it discouraging to have this happen. ”

    “I’m not looking for a bunch of spray. I’m looking for solid answers on the legality of this. As I see it there is nothing I can do to stop it other than water mark every image to the point that they look like crap.”

    “The page is here: http://amicuscuria.com/wordpress/ and the image is labeled Pursuant to ‘fair use’ & news ‘commentary’, *modified* parodies of the originals: ”

    “Photographers’ use of a fats lens shallow depth of field: ”

    “But actually I used a slow lens and a big ass flash pointed straight in the face and I used photoshop to blur the background to give the effect of a shallow DOF. Not that any of that matters…”

    Dayhike Mike’s response (quoted from NWhikers.net):

    “Sun Nov 07, 2010 3:23 am”

    “Interesting. Lunch at the Hotel Murano? ”

    “Using full size images isn’t right without your consent. Sending a cease and desist notice to the asshat might be a first course of action.”

    “You could always go nuclear and send a DMCA takedown notification to his ISP.”

    *My* response:

    The hotel shot was never taken by Shawnie. The shot of Bloomfield grinning is a transformation parody of one she did, and constitutes ‘fair use’ and ‘commentary’ regarding an ongoing newsworthy topic Shawnie has become part of…her blog is in the news. She also has photos on that blog *I* took despite my repeated requests she take them down. Moreover, she CONTINUES (at this moment) to publish/display *my* photos:

    (The Adage booth shots)

    This is a lady who likes to play ‘heads, I win; tails, you lose.’ At one time, I would author articles (including photos) on her blog. She began to censor/edit/remove them while denying me access to my own stuff. I decided I didn’t want to be editorialized/censored and took down that to which I still had access, demanding she take down the rest of *my* copyrighted material. She never completed that task. And now she whines (using the plural) about ONE parody on my blog like it was the end of her world. Yet she writes me e-mail alleging *I* am being a ‘bully’? Give me a break! See the following link for more:


    Look, to get a better perspective from other than the two parties (her and myself) involved in this petty dispute which has the attraction of keeping HER in the limelight, Google “Shawnie Vedder” and “Shawnie Whelan”. This is a tempest in a teapot and an unwarranted distraction.

    I removed a link I previously had along with attributes as a courtesy per her request. (Because, believe it or not, against all my common sense, I still LIKE the person.) I’ve returned the attributes in an abundance of caution.

    Under current US law, Shawnie has no right to insist I take down a parody and fair use NEWS commentary under these circumstances. The parody is effectively a political cartoon. Any retaliatory attempt by her to interfere in my business relationships for exercising my 1st Amendment rights would be met with a petition for an anti-harassment order and lawsuit for damages/injunction.

    This is not some fallen dove with broken wings…this is a woman whose ego is so fragile she whines incessantly to whoever knows her little enough to listen.

    And Shawnie never released any ‘full’ size image (to my knowledge) for the shot in question. She makes a habit of not doing so.

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