Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mason County Brady List of Unreliable LEOs (7-21-20)

A Giglio or Brady list is a list compiled usually by a prosecutor’s office or a police department containing the names and details of law enforcement officers who have had sustained incidents of untruthfulness, criminal convictions, candor issues, or some other type of issue … Continue reading

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Bob’s Tainted Shelton-Matlock Honey on Oly’s Martin Way

Be aware an apiarist (white man ~52) who resides in/near Olympia with hives in the Matlock area is selling tainted honey from the back of his pickup truck on the north side of Martin way near the veterinarian clinic/hospital west … Continue reading

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The Invention of the Police

Why did American policing get so big, so fast? The answer, mainly, is slavery. by Jill Lepore (7-13-20) — To police is to maintain law and order, but the word derives from polis—the Greek for “city,” or “polity”—by way of politia, the … Continue reading

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BLM-ANTIFA Thugs Hospitalize Good Samaritan @ Oly City Hall

Olympia, WA (7-12-20) — A patriotic group of good samaritans try to shepherd cars past BLM & ANTIFA protestors blocking the intersection in front of Olympia City Hall. Suddenly, the street thugs attack the bald man in the light green … Continue reading

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Black People Can’t Be Racist

Two Black commentators parse the trope. Preach & Chong Men’s Rights vs, Feminism

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Karens Hijack Tumwater Historical Park Playground II

(Updated & Appended w/911 Audio 7-8-20) Lacey Halleck (37) and Katie Schilling assault (threaten), bully, and intimidate elderly journalist photographing children at play in Tumwater Historical Park until he moves to defend himself, whereupon they morph into their full Karen … Continue reading

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Randy Netherlin Fights Allegations of Impropriety

Mason County officials accused of illegal actions related to proposed gravel mine by Christopher Dunagan Belfair, WA (7-3-20) — In a class-action lawsuit filed against Mason County, a dozen North Mason property owners claim that County Commissioner Randy Neatherlin and … Continue reading

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Trump Finally Says Something Profound

Mt. Rushmore, S.D.

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Karens Hijack Tumwater Park Playground (6-30-20)

Should the internet/social media have a real/virtual wall erected barring all adults save those accompanied by a child? Lacey Halleck, Ashley Yiannatji, Katie Schilling, et ux would have you believe so. Lacey is actually circulating a petition to that affect … Continue reading

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Out Of Dough In The Kitchen

Restaurant workers, already living “tip to mouth,” face more hardship in shutdown I do not own the copyright to this excellent well polished Docuvideo about the desperately poor restaurant servers who depend entirely on the tips and largesse of their … Continue reading

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